Paymentworld Europe Ltd.

Paymentworld: An Overview

Paymentworld, founded in 2014, is a trusted payments brand that provides SEPA Direct Debit services to various merchants in Europe

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I seeing payments to Paymentworld from my bank account?
Paymentworld is a legitimate and regulated company based in Malta that offers a SEPA Direct Debit processing service to online merchants. It is not a scam. If you are seeing payments being done to Paymentworld from your bank account, that is because we are charging you in the name of our clients, whom you have mandated to charge you through the SEPA Direct Debit scheme. The merchants that we work with come from a multitude of industries.
What is SEPA Direct Debit?
The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is a payment network that makes it easy and cheap to process euro payments in the European Union (EU). SEPA Direct Debit is a specific payment scheme within SEPA that is used for regular payments such as for subscriptions and bills. Like all SEPA payments, these transactions must be in euros, and payments are bank to bank. SEPA Direct Debit is quite straightforward: the creditor issues a contract called a “mandate” with all the details necessary about the direct debit. Once the customer consents, the merchant pulls the payments on a regular basis, notifying the customer before the payment is due. See this guide for a more comprehensive overview.
How can I stop from being charged in the future?
Please fill in the form below. You should find your customer number and the mandate reference number when checking the transaction details in your bank account. With this information we will be able to identify which merchant you have mandated to regularly charge you. Then, if you still wish to stop being charged, we can stop future payments. Identifying the merchant before cancelling the mandate is highly recommended because they might be providing you with an important service such as your internet connection or insurance. Stopping the payments may result in you no longer receiving such service.
What if I have other questions not related to SEPA Direct Debit cancellations?
Please reach out to us on or contact us through the FinXP contact us form. FinXP is the mother company that owns the Paymentworld brand.

Cancel SEPA Direct Debit

Please fill in this form to cancel a SEPA Direct Debit that you are being charged for by Paymentworld.